Monday, January 22, 2018

Spooner Goes To Rome?

To start off the new year I flew out east to the beautiful state of Vermont to visit family and catch a day of boarding in the Green Mountains (which are actually white during the winter). Turns out the Rome SDS headquarters was a short 30 minute drive from our Airbnb in Burlington so I stopped by to check it out. Here's a recap of my day.   
Sugarbush has one of the best parks I've ridden in awhile. Packed with jibs, a jump line, and transition everywhere, it's now serviced by a quad chair so you'll spend less time in line and more time riding. I highly recommend checking this place out if you're in the area.
Bearded Team manager extraordinaire Matt Stillman, supervising office activities.
After a solid session at The Bush I made my way to Rome. They're located in Waterbury, Vermont, a quaint town of about 5,000 people. Fun fact: Waterbury is also home to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream factory which I toured when I was a kid. Bet you didn't know that!
Another fun fact: Stillman coaches the Patriots as a side gig and he carried his team to the Superbowl again this year. Good luck Still Belichick and we'll see ya in Minneapolis.
2019 product is looking good!
Next year's bindings.
It's not Corona but I'll take it. Cheers guys.
Office pup.
Self explanatory.
I want to thank Rich, Josh, Matt, and everyone else at Rome for all that they do for snowboarding. These guys are everything that is right in the industry. They consistently put out awesome product and make it a point to ride together regularly. That's what it's all about. Thank you for the support over the years!
A couple days later it snowed again in Burlington and I stumbled upon this ledge spot that was already set up. Check out my instagram @spoonbaby for the footy.
Thanks for the good times Vermont!